Dan The Paver

Ways to Prep Your Asphalt Pavement for the Coming Winter

Winter is coming, and as the cold weather arrives, we immediately go into having our house or office exterior cleaned by default. This is also the time when gardens and landscaping are cleaned up in preparation. However, there is one aspect that is often overlookedasphalt parking lots and, of course, driveways. They also need attention and preventive maintenance in order to endure the coming months.
While it seems like getting repairs is all the preparation needed, there’s actually more to it than that. Repairs in themselves are important, because asphalt expands and contracts due to the moisture both in the air and on the ground. Making sure there are no potholes so water doesn’t pool and eventually expand the pothole, filling cracks and sealcoating are just some repairs you should definitely look into.
There are several other ways to prep your asphalt pavement for the coming winter. Here are four ways to do so.

  • Do Debris Clearing

Whether it’s a driveway or a parking lot, it’s important to clear all debris to ensure that snow removal is done properly and safely. If it’s a standard driveway surface, brooms and blowers will do the trick. Otherwise, for parking lots or business driveways, professional cleaners may be in order. Aside from the clearing, hiring a professional could also reveal structural issues that need immediate repair. It also ensures that larger pieces of debris will not freeze and wind up damaging your asphalt surface, paving the way for a smooth removal of snow later on.

  • Have a Well-Stocked Maintenance Kit

There are a few key items that can go a long way when it comes to keeping asphalt in tip-top shape. This includes shovels and snow removers; where possible, get a shovel that does not have overly sharp edges. Deicers are also key, as they help prevent ice and other slippery surfaces from developing on an asphalt parking lot. Be cautious, as most deicers come with strong chemicals that are not necessarily environmentally friendly. 

  • Beware of Standing Water

While that may sound confusing, you’ll understand it as soon as you take a good look at the asphalt and find pooling, standing water. Take note of the locations this usually occurs at. Make sure that you remove standing water before it has a chance to freeze, turning into ice. 

  • Hire a Professional

Yes, there is a great sense of achievement in doing things on your own. However, it is also good to have an awareness of when it is time to call for help. Asphalt contractors will be able to best use cold-mix asphalt, specifically for pothole repair. This is important to avoid structural damage during winter.


Asphalt has many default benefits, and while it’s generally quite durable, moisture tends to weaken it considerably. Staying prepared for the coming winter season is a great way to ensure your driveway will last throughout the colder months.
Looking for paving installers in New Jersey? Contact us! Dan The Paver is a family-owned and -operated company with over two decades of experience in the paving industry.